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Wednesday, 22 July 2009

The Forest House Hotel and Bluebell Restaurant

I do try to stick to a weekly routine where my gardens are concerned because it just makes life that little bit easier and we all know where we are, but unfortunately due to the dreadful wet summer that we seem to be having then my routine gets thrown right out of the window!
But usually on a Wednesday I arrive at "The Forest House Hotel & Bluebell Restaurant" not a minute before or a minute after 8.15am!
The first thing I do when I arrive is to mow the lawns!
There are three lawns, one which is to the side of the house and then the other two lawns which are both at the front of the house, separated by a path that runs straight down the middle!
I have to say that the house is so very beautiful and almost to the point of Stately, but it's not quite big enough to call it that, although it has Historical Significance in the Forest of Dean, because it was the home of David Muschet and his son Robert Forester Muschet until about 1850 and they were pioneers in the steel making process!
I must say that I feel so privileged to be tending the gardens at such a lovely place. I quite often glance up at the beautiful property in complete awe!
So it being a not too bad a Wednesday I arrived at the usual time! I mowed the first lawn and then began to mow the two at the front of the house! As I did I could smell the delicious aroma's of the breakfasts being cooked for the guests and my stomach rumbled with jealousy, I glanced in to the windows and noticed that the Restaurant was quite busy as it always seemed to be!
So without another thought for the lucky diners I carefully finished mowing the two remaining lawns.

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In an English Country Garden