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Tuesday 21 July 2009

Yet another soggy July at Mr Such and Such's!

Well today I should have gone to Mr Such and Such - I call him that because I don't think it's fair to disclose his proper name on the Internet? But due to the awful weather, yet again I've had to re-arrange with him to go tomorrow instead!
I've been gardening for Mr Such and Such for almost three years now and over those almost three years I've got to know him extremely well! He's a charming elderly gentleman who before I came along had very little knowledge about gardening and plants etc. Oh he knew about Pansies and Poly's but very little else!
Now Mr Such and Such has always insisted on joining me out in the garden to work and so on doing so he has picked up a huge amount of knowledge from me and with his willingness to learn, we have between us transformed his garden from quite a boring, daffs in the spring and then bedding plants for the summer months and then almost nothing else for the rest of the year, to a garden which has flowers for almost all of the time!
As you can see in the above picture, the wall to the front of the house has a kind of rockery that was once home to hundreds of daffodils...OK so they did look lovely when in full bloom, but after they had died back, all that was left was just green stems, so I would have to dig them up and discard them ready for a new lot to be planted in the Autumn, which to me was such a horrible waste of money! So yeah this last spring just gone we did dig them up, but we didn't throw them away, we've put them into storage to dry out ready to be planted in to a much more suitable spot in the garden in the Autumn. Of course we've left some bulbs in and so there was room to put other plants in. Most of the smaller conifers remained but three had to be taken out because they were just too big! Unfortunately when Mr Such and Such went to the garden centre to buy the conifers he was led to believe that they would remain miniature, but of course if the plant label says that the plant will grow to 3ft in ten years, then it probably will, but after that then it will probably just keep on growing! But if the label says it will grow under 2ft in ten years then yes that is an ideal conifer to plant for a small area!
In removing the conifers we then planted several small shrubs, which would flower from the spring through to the winter and they included Sarcococca (Christmas box), Abelia Grandiflora, Ilex Crenata Golden Gem together with a variety of grasses and a small variety of perennials, which included Hellebores, Heleniums, three various Hostas and of course a selection of bulbs! So now that part of his garden really has come alive and although he wasn't convinced he definately is now!
During the almost three years that the two of us have worked together we've become extremely close and although we are complete opposites on almost every issue we both respect each other enough to be able to listen to one an other's points of views and I have to say that I have also learnt to respect someone Else's point of view, no matter how much I disagree with him, but at least I can safely say that I will be working for him for many years to come...especially as Mrs Such and Such will insist on bringing me out a lovely cup of tea or coffee (usually laced with something suitably warming, especially through the cold Winter months) and a very nice piece of cake or a selection of delicious biscuits!!!!

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In an English Country Garden