Tracy Young for all your gardening needs

The Blonde 4 your Bloomin Marvellous Weed free garden

Friday 24 July 2009

I have a dream and it goes like this.....

I'm laying there in the soft lush grass, the warm sun is feeling so good upon my face, I can hear my daughter laughing and singing to herself and I'm thinking what a lovely summer this is at long last! I sit myself up and marvel at the sight before me! The potatoes are beckoning to me because they are almost ready to be gobbled up. The peas are bursting through their pods and the runner beans are covered with so many flowers that the bees and butterflies just don't know which one to pollinate first and as I glance to my left the strawberries look almost over ripe, I lick my lips in anticipation at the thought of the juicy sweet fruits reaching my mouth. Then the sound of the sweet corn blowing gently in the light summer breeze catches my attention and it's almost too much of a temptation not to go and pick and peel and just nibble at the delicious yellow buds until each and everyone of them have disappeared down my throat!
I'm just about to drift into the beautiful place between dreams and sleep, my mind is almost there and then I feel cold wet drips on my face and for a few seconds I think it's my daughter fooling around with the watering can, but then I'm snapped out of my dream by what feels like a whole bucket of water being tipped over me! Of course it's not the watering can, it's the flipping rain yet again and without any concern for my soaking I look around me and take in the wet soggy mess which is right there before my eyes! The potato bed is completely empty and almost begging to be dug over, but because of the blight that rampantly ripped through the whole two crops the dream of dribbling butter laced over the delicious new spuds was just never gonna happen, well not this year anyway! The tomato frame had yet again spewed all of it's contents from a furious gust of wind all over the lawn! The cauliflower and broccoli were being invaded by the cabbage white butterfly and each and every plant had little holes in them, which looked quite artistic really! Oh yeah and most of the sweetcorn had ripened but they were such tiny little things and nothing at all like the great big juicy fruits that I thought they were going to be!! Then of course there were the peas which had been attacked by my Jack Russel dog who hadn't yet learnt how to pick the pods gently, instead she had just ripped at them willy nilly making a pile of messy pea everywhere!
now my hair was completely matted to my head and my clothes were stuck to my body, I thought that I should probably go into the house and get myself bathed, so I did and as I was running the water I sat there watching the bubbles frothing away and I got to thinking that maybe the veggie plot idea wasn't such a good one, but then I got to thinking that maybe it was, because the garlic was a complete success and so too were the peas (luckily I'd managed to freeze many before the dog had attacked them), the strawberries were too and oh yeah the carrots were growing very nicely indeed and so were the parsnips, which would be ready for Christmas dinner and then of course I mustn't forget to mention all of the salad crops - you know the beetroot, the lettuce, the rocket, the spring onions etc etc etc and of course the wonderful onions!
So what I'm saying is no matter where in the World we live we're always going to have to deal with adverse weather conditions, but if I want to enjoy the thrill of nibbling away at my fresh home grown veg then I have to expect disasters as well as the successful, because in many Countries disaster is constant but they keep soldiering on and so then will I!!!


  1. loving this hun!! we need some advice on strawberries, how do we propergate from the trailers?

    bex and trev

  2. Hi you two! You just find a section where there's some decent roots and pot them up...or you can cut the runners from the parent plant and peg them into the soil...if you pot them up then next year don't let them flower so the following year they will fruit fantastically!
    Thanks for the support my great friends! xxxxx

  3. can you help me on how to pot up vegetables for a small area??
    from Lover xxx



In an English Country Garden